
If freedom belongs to people, why do dictators keep trying to deprive people of that?

If freedom belongs to people, why do dictators keep trying to deprive people of that?

Def: An irrational person is one who KNOWS the truth (that is, their subjective truth = absolute truth (WOKE)). Whereas, rational people have beliefs, but they do not believe they know the absolute truth (recognizing that the truths of others may be the actual truth).

Therefore, dictators live in a rigid prison of the own irrational beliefs. That is to say, they are not psychologically free. The dictator panics when free external voices rise in opposition to their own views (WOKE and safe spaces). The dictator’s emotions are triggered to defend the dictator’s psychic sense of self. These emotions drive the dictator’s behaviors acting to suppress the free and competing views of others (Bypassing their capacity to reason if they have it. Mind you, not everyone can reason). In short, the irrational dictator is not psychologically free, and neither can those that are in his orbit be. In the dictator’s world, no one is free. The dictator merely has the power to enforce his views.

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