Is being “woke” more likely to indicate freedom of thought or compliance with a dominant ideology?
Is being “woke” more likely to indicate freedom of thought or compliance with a dominant ideology?
Oh they have freedom of thought. Thank God. Everyone should. They live in America. But the woke do not exploit their freedom of thought to question their assumptions. And that’s the problem.
The woke don’t reason. People who reason cannot claim to know the truth. This last assertion arises through the definition of reason. Simply, the rational cannot claim to know truth. Those who do (i.e. believe that they know), are the opposite, they are irrational. And irrationality is dangerous.
Irrationality has been around for millennia. Human brains are really two brains. One is evolutionary (irrational), and the other is developmental (reason). Mostly people function out of their evolutionary brain. Some, learn to think out of their conscious in reason. This is their developmental brain. But it takes practice. The evolutionary brain is, by contrast, fast. Human minds always want to go there.
Ever wondered how the Germans could engage in the Holocaust? They did it because Hitler encouraged Germans to suppress their reason:
Progressively abandoning their Aristotelian heritage, the philosophers of the Enlightenment had reached a state of formal bankruptcy in the skepticism of David Hume. Hume claimed that neither the senses nor reason can yield reliable knowledge. He concluded that man is a helpless creature caught in an unintelligible universe. Meanwhile a variety of lesser figures (such as Rousseau, the admirer of the “noble savage”) were foreshadowing the era to come. They were suggesting that reason had had its chance but had failed, and that something else, something opposite, holds the key to reality and the future.
Peikoff, Leonard. The Cause of Hitler’s Germany (pp. 53-54). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Whatever the woke person’s cause, it is now religion (absolute truth) to them. They will be a danger to all that oppose their thinking. While the woke enjoy freedom of thought, they will deny it to all others, because well, they are irrational.