What is the significance of nationalism in the issue of freedom vs societal responsibility?
What is the significance of nationalism in the issue of freedom vs societal responsibility?
This question is easy if one presumes that individualism is central. Other countries, like China, do not subscribe to this view. There, the individual is subordinate to the state.
It has to do with the human mind
- Does society want individually (read successful) smart, primarily self-governing, people? Then emphasize individualism. Some dumb selfish people will have to be tolerated on that path. We are born dumb and selfish, of course.
- Do people want a “safe” state (that is, free from dumb and selfish people)? Then emphasize the state. Mostly dumb and irrational people will be the end result. And, the state will have to become increasingly oppressive. Thankfully, a few smart people will nevertheless emerge. They will, however, be a threat to the state.
The reasoning building blocks
I believe, (1), that everything meaningful in civilization arises from the individual. I believe the state, as an entity alone, that is, without individuals, produces nothing. It is valueless. However, the state, as a collection of individuals, can produce some value, but only haltingly so. Moreover, this is only because of the immense value-producing qualities of the resilient individual.
I believe, (2), that the human mind acquires the ability to be creative and maximally productive when it is both empowered and encouraged to think freely. A state, that sees itself as the center of life, will not tolerate this free result. The individual’s mind must necessarily be programmed and controlled by the state. The state, you see, desires a hive mind.
I believe (3) that the individual has no duty to the state—like they do in China. Whereas, in America, the state has a duty to protect the freedom of conscious of every individual. In return, the individual agrees to respect the laws of the state created (by the people themselves) to protect those freedoms for all.
Societal responsibility is not what you think
In America, your societal responsibility is thus to exercise your freedoms without harming or invading the freedoms of others. Yet, done well, this leads to self-governance. Free and self-governing people develop reason. Reasonable people (ALWAYS) acquire empathy. And empathetic people ALWAYS help other people (See link). An oppressive safety-producing state is not required.
Nationalism, amazingly, is also for the protection of the individual. Socially, individuals and their communities develop a regional personality. Naturally, this societal personality varies from other regions or states. Yet, the attributes of this personality are elements of individual brains. Moreover, these personality attributes are only acquired in freedom. National identity is something to both be proud of and preserve. It is certainly a behavior to be encouraged.
Nationalism, because it protects what individuals have learned, protects their freedom of conscious. It is a positive thing.
Jingoism, the real threat
Jingoism, however, is when nationalism, having been seized by an oppressive state, is projected over the nationalistic personalities and lifestyle choices of other people from other regions or countries. This is a negative thing.